Monday, June 20, 2016

Taking Art to the Blogging Side

Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever thought of creating a blog. I'm artist not a writer, not really a blogger. But, as the world changes we have to learn how to adapt. Adapting is a hard thing for an artist, we got a groove we stay in and studio time is all that we think about, A LOT! Over the last year I have felt more of a need to share my art with more than just friends and family. I have branched out beyond the studio and started a business of my art online.

As an artist I feel like to sell art or make a living at selling your art you have to constantly create it. In a way this is great it gives a lot of selection to your customers. As we all want fans and customers you have to go where they are. ONLINE, on the PHONE, TABLET, CHAT ROOMS you name it they are there. But, if you are like me, an artist, mother, wife, christian, and everyday woman chores and lists to go along with creating art sometimes gets really hectic. I am a stay at home mom. Yeah, yeah I know people say that is not a job title. How wrong they really are, but as a stay at home mom I wear multiple hats and sometimes at the same time. So to be more supportive of my husband and help bring in income. I looked everywhere to find a work from home job. HAHAHAHA that is funny, I know there are such things but I didn't have the money to start them. So back at square one again, no help on the income part. Finally, I started up drawing again and my husband came up with an idea of selling my art. It was something I already knew how to do, it didn't cost a lot to get started and I love doing it. WIN WIN right. So I studied art sales, how to sell, where to sell and almost gave up. Until, I found an blogger who does art. 

From the beginning I knew what all I needed. Business cards, website, a place to sell and got to the point of great more money. Nothing is free, but I was determined to find a way to make money without paying a lot of money to have it. I started on free website builders, vistaprint discounts for business cards and then everything started falling in place. For two years it has been ok in sales, not billionaire income but I have increased in sales and have got my name into a online art gallery, done several festivals, and also have become a featured artist of the month at a historical hotel. So even thought the accomplishments are not grand, they are paying off with no debt attached to it. SO I pursue a career in art, join along with me as we discover techniques and art. 

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